Latest Publications
Cultural activities

Legal Services Program
The legal aid program aims to provide legal aid to the indigenous Syrian population in the Golan, including legal advice, correspondence with the authorities, and legal representation before the judiciary on specific issues related to the collective rights of the Syrian residents. Through this program, we look forward to strengthening the organizations’ legal services unit by providing legal support to the residents that they enjoy their rights, and raising their awareness of their basic rights and the human rights situation in the occupied Golan.

Economic, social and cultural rights program

Settlements Research and Monitoring Program

Volunteers and Researchers Program
The Volunteers and Scholars Program provides an opportunity for local and international individuals who wish to gain practical experience regarding the reality of human rights in the occupied Golan. Al-Marsad selects applicants who can contribute more to the organization based on their skills, interests, and needs (note - Al-Marsad also hosts visiting international law professionals, lawyers, human rights defenders, researchers, etc. Activities that volunteers and researchers are assigned to undertake include legal research; preparation of short reports and statements; Producing the content of Al-Marsad’s website and social media websites; participation in field tours; and performing some administrative tasks. Volunteers and researchers have to deal with routine and complex tasks.
Images Gallery
A collection of archive images that our team gathered over the years.
In compliance with Israeli law, which seeks to equate the receipt of international Funding with disloyalty, please note that more than 50% of Al-Marsad’s funding comes from foreign state entities. These are listed on the website of the Israeli Registrar of Associations (and elsewhere).
Al-Marsad remains loyal to its human rights values. Based on international law, it documents and researches the human rights of the Syrian Arabs in the Golan Heights, produces reports and information on this matter, affords legal services to the community, and raises awareness of human rights.
בהתאם לחוק שהעבירה הכנסת למסגר קבלת מענקים בינלאומיים כביטוי לחוסר נאמנות, נציין כי מעל 50% ממקורות המימון של עמותת אלמרסד הגיעו מישיות מדיניות זרות המפורטות (בין היתר) באתר האינטרנט של רשם העמותות.
בכל מקרה, אלמרסד נותר נאמן לעקרונות זכויות האדם, ולמטרותיו העיקריות בקשר לתיעוד מצב זכויות הערבים הסורים ברמת הגולן בהתאם למשפט הבינלאומי, עריכת מחקרים ודוחות בנוגע למצב זכויות האדם בגולן, מתן סיוע משפטי לאוכלוסיה, והפצת מודעות לזכויות האדם.