ACTION ALERT: Al-Marsad condemns Israel’s latest efforts to put pressure on the international community to recognize the Occupied Syrian Golan as part of Israel

April 10, 2016

Releated Posts

Syrian Refugees in Europe: Protection in Principle, Chaos in Practice
Al-Marsad's latest publication considers the plight of Syrian refugees in Europe and how this refugee crisis represents a major test for the European Union and its member states.
ACTION ALERT: Al-Marsad calls on the international community to go further in its condemnation of Israel’s illegal attempts to obtain sovereignty of the Occupied Syrian Golan
  21 April 2016 Action Alert available here:  Action Alert - Al-Marsad calls on international community to go further in its condemnation
ACTION ALERT: Al-Marsad condemns Israel’s latest efforts to put pressure on the international community to recognize the Occupied Syrian Golan as part of Israel
10 April 2016 Action alert available here:   Action Alert - Al-Marsad condemns Israeli attempts to gain sovereignty over the Occupied Syrian Golan
Joint letter from Al-Marsad and Adalah to Israeli Ministry of Infrastructure on illegal oil exploration in Occupied Syrian Golan
Occupied Syrian Golan is “occupied territory, and its inhabitants are under occupation and are considered protected peoples…the oil is property that cannot be exploited, and doing so would be considered a war crime under the Rome Statute.”
ACTION ALERT: All sides in Syria must obey International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law and end the practice of siege warfare
Al-Marsad is calling on all parties to the civil war in Syria, the UN Security Council and the UN special envoy for the Syria crisis, Staffan De Mistura, to take immediate steps to ensure the end of the use of hunger as a weapon of war and to lift the sieges without delay.