Al-Marsad submits objection to “Hermon National Park” plan
On 9 September 2016 Al-Marsad submitted an objection to the “Hermon National Park” plan. The objection was submitted to the Israeli District Planning Committee in Nazareth, in the name of 40 people from the Syrian villages of Majdal Shams and Ein Qynia in the Occupied Syrian Golan. The “Hermon National Park” plan confiscates approximately 82,000 dunams of land by the Israeli authorities, that has been used by the native Syrian residents of Majdal Shams and Ein Qynia since Ottoman rule for grazing, agriculture and urbanization.Many of the objectors have documents demonstrating private land ownership, whilst others have documents issued by the commission endowments of Majdal Shams, giving them the right to build on the land.
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