
Al-Marsad becomes member of FIDH – International Federation for Human Rights

The FIDH membership will enable Al-Marsad to interact with hundreds of human rights organizations, therefore increasing awareness of the human rights situation in the Occupied Syrian Golan, in particular, the systematic discrimination of the native Syrian citizens by the occupying authority, that violates their inherent human rights.

Al-Marsad becomes member of FIDH – International Federation for Human Rights Read More »

Correspondence with Lonely Planet regarding its misrepresentation of the Occupied Syrian Golan as part of Israel

In July and August 2016, Al-Marsad was in correspondence with Lonely Planet regarding its misrepresentation of the Occupied Syrian Golan as part of Israel on its website and guidebook: ‘Israel & the Palestinian Territories’.

Correspondence with Lonely Planet regarding its misrepresentation of the Occupied Syrian Golan as part of Israel Read More »

Letter from Al-Marsad to Google regarding Google Maps no longer showing the names of destroyed Syrian villages in the Occupied Syrian Golan

In June 2016, Al-Marsad wrote to Google to inform it that Google Maps no longer shows the names of the destroyed Syrian villages in the Occupied Syrian Golan, and, instead, only shows the names of the illegal Israeli settlements built on their ruins.

Letter from Al-Marsad to Google regarding Google Maps no longer showing the names of destroyed Syrian villages in the Occupied Syrian Golan Read More »

Al-Marsad calls on EU to raise human rights violations in Occupied Syrian Golan

Al-Marsad has written to the EU Delegation to Israel and EU Member State embassies about Israel’s discriminatory and illegal policies towards the native Syrian population in the Occupied Syrian Golan; Israel’s recent inflammatory statements regarding the sovereignty of the Occupied Syrian Golan; and continued illegal settlement expansion and exploitation of natural resources.

Al-Marsad calls on EU to raise human rights violations in Occupied Syrian Golan Read More »

Letter from Al-Marsad to EU Delegation to Israel and EU Member State embassies regarding upcoming EU-Israel Association Council meeting

In May 2016, Al-Marsad wrote to the EU Delegation to Israel and EU Member State embassies concerning Israel’s discriminatory and illegal policies towards the native Syrian population in the Occupied Syrian Golan

Letter from Al-Marsad to EU Delegation to Israel and EU Member State embassies regarding upcoming EU-Israel Association Council meeting Read More »

From Settlement to Shelf: The Economic Occupation of the Syrian Golan

Al-Marsad re-publishes its report ‘From Settlement to Shelf: The Economic Occupation of the Syrian Golan’ in view of Israel’s latest attempts to create ‘facts on the ground’ by increasing settler population and extraction of natural resources in the Occupied Syrian Golan.

From Settlement to Shelf: The Economic Occupation of the Syrian Golan Read More »