salam said ahmad

Nature Reserves in The Occupied Golan-The environment in the service of land control policy-

Dr. Nazeh Brik 29.11.2021 Introduction:The June War of 1967 ended, with Israel taking control of an area of 1,260 square kilometers of the Syrian Golan Heights. About 60 square kilometers were returned to Syrian sovereignty in 1974 (Beger Gidon). Today, Israel controls 96% of the area it still occupies (1,200 square kilometers), which its ownership belonged

Nature Reserves in The Occupied Golan-The environment in the service of land control policy- Read More »

Al-Marsad Condemns the Assassination of Medhat Al-Saleh

20 October 2021 On Saturday morning, 16 October 2021, Medhat Al-Saleh, 54, was assassinated by the Israeli occupation army sniper. According to Syrian sources* and the media, the sniper shot 11 bullets at Medhat while he was working next to his house in Ain Al-Teeneh, opposite occupied Majdal Shams, hundreds of meters from the ceasefire

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