In April 2019, Al-Marsad wrote to Frederica Mogherini to ask the EU to stop applying a double standard to Israel’s illegal settlement expansion policies and to condemn them uniformly for what they are, egregious violations of international law.
In December 2019, Al-Marsad wrote to the new EU HR/VP Josep Borrell Fontelles & EU Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi to ask the EU to support human rights defenders in the occupied Golan.
In May 2020, Al-Marsad wrote to the EU HR/VP Josep Borrell Fontelles & EU Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi to inform them that Energix Renewable Energies Ltd. is exploiting COVID-19 to develop a windfarm in the occupied Syrian Golan
"New Ways of Seeing" Field Visit to Haifa - Al-Marsad, in cooperation with the Fateh Moudarres Centre for Arts & Culture, recently hosted a new interactive youth workshop within its innovative cultural project, "New Ways of Seeing."
Al-Marsad - Arab Human Right Centre in Golan Heights ("Al-Marsad"), the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (“ACRI”), and Bimkom - Planners for Planning Rights ("Bimkom") held a joint public meeting last week to discuss the legal actions available to native community in the occupied Syrian Golan to block Energix Renewable Energies’ ("Energix") Clean Wind Energy Project.