Related to: Housing and planning

Objection to Masterplan Plan No. 256-0773945 -Majdal Shams
Land constitutes a fundamental and essential element in the process of development, construction, and even in the issues of existence and survival. In addition to being an important economic resource, it has a distinct and clear impact on numerous aspects of life.

“Land surveying and settlement” in the Occupied Golan Heights
The Israeli Occupation Forces took advantage of and exploited the reality that they have controlled the Golan Heights since 1967, some 56 years ago, in order to seize as much land as possible.

Ethnic Planning-A Comparison between Israel’s ethnic spatial planning policies in Israeli Jewish settlements and Syrian villages in the Occupied Syrian Golan
This research paper aims to reveal the discriminatory policies of the occupying Israeli authorities, on the basis of "min famuka odinuka"(from your mouth I condemn you), whilst adopting a comparative approach, contrasting the planning policies and practices in Jewish settlements and Syrian villages in the occupied Golan.

Al-Marsad submits objection to “Hermon National Park” plan
On 9 September 2016 Al-Marsad submitted an objection to the “Hermon National Park” plan. The objection was submitted to the Israeli District Planning Committee in Nazareth, in the name of 40 people from the Syrian villages of Majdal Shams and Ein Qynia in the Occupied Syrian Golan.

Al-Marsad submits report to UN Human Rights Committee
Earlier this month, Al-Marsad submitted a ‘List of Issues’ report to the United Nations Human Rights Committee for its 2018 review of Israel’s implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Al Marsad submitted the report – prepared by Cornell Law School International Human Rights Clinic – to guide the pre-session Working Group in preparing the […]
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