Related to: Illegal Settlements

Letter from Al-Marsad to EU Delegation to Israel, EU Member State embassies and embassies of the Permanent Members of the UN Security Council, regarding the planned construction of 1600 settlement units in the illegal settlement of Katzrin, and the appropriation of Syrian land under the guise of the ‘Hermon National Park’ plan, in the Occupied Syrian Golan
Israeli Finance Ministry has approved plans for the construction of 1600 settlement units in the illegal Israeli settlement of Katzrin in the Occupied Syrian Golan.

Al-Marsad condemns planned settlement expansion
Al-Marsad condemns plans by the Israeli government to build 1600 homes in the illegal Israeli settlement of Katzrin in the Occupied Syrian Golan.

Letters from Al-Marsad to Scottish Conservative party regarding the visit of a delegation of Conservative MSPs to a commercial winery in an illegal settlement in the Occupied Syrian Golan
In August 2016, a delegation from the Scottish Conservative party visited a commercial winery in an illegal Israeli settlement in the Occupied Syrian Golan.

Al-Marsad calls on EU to raise human rights violations in Occupied Syrian Golan
Al-Marsad has written to the EU Delegation to Israel and EU Member State embassies about Israel’s discriminatory and illegal policies towards the native Syrian population in the Occupied Syrian Golan; Israel’s recent inflammatory statements regarding the sovereignty of the Occupied Syrian Golan; and continued illegal settlement expansion and exploitation of natural resources.

From Settlement to Shelf: The Economic Occupation of the Syrian Golan
Al-Marsad re-publishes its report ‘From Settlement to Shelf: The Economic Occupation of the Syrian Golan’ in view of Israel’s latest attempts to create ‘facts on the ground’ by increasing settler population and extraction of natural resources in the Occupied Syrian Golan.