Related to: The Syrian Issue

Al-Marsad Condemns the Assassination of Medhat Al-Saleh
20 October 2021 On Saturday morning, 16 October 2021, Medhat Al-Saleh, 54, was assassinated by the Israeli occupation army sniper. According to Syrian sources* and the media, the sniper shot 11 bullets at Medhat while he was working next to his house in Ain Al-Teeneh, opposite occupied Majdal Shams, hundreds of meters from the ceasefire […]

The Syrian Refugee Crisis: Refugees, Conflict and International Law
Al-Marsad and the Democratic Progress Institute (DPI) publish a new report examining the Syrian refugee crisis from a conflict-resolution and human rights perspective, focusing on the situation in Lebanon, Turkey, and Jordan - who together have received around three-quarters of Syrian refugees.

Legal analysis regarding the targeting of civilians and civilian objects in Syria
Al-Marsad's latest publication provides a legal analysis of the relevant rules of international human rights law and international humanitarian law - specific to civilians and civilian objects - that must be observed by all armed groups involved in the conflict.

Effective peace process to end the ongoing war in Syria
Al-Marsad calls on the international community to ensure an effective peace process to end the ongoing war in Syria. For more than 5 years, Syria has been suffering a terrible conflict that has caused death, destruction, gross international law violations in a seemingly endless and indescribably cruel chaos.

The Syrian Situation – International Humanitarian Law Violations and the call for Justice
Al-Marsad publishes its report 'The Syrian Situation - International Humanitarian Law Violations and the Call for Justice'.