Al-Marsad has published a new map (available here) of Syrian villages and farms destroyed by the Israeli occupation forces during the 1967 Arab-Israeli War and the subsequent occupation of the Syrian Golan; and the Israeli settlements that were built on their ruins.
Al-Marsad calls on the international community to strongly reject Israel’s latest attempts to obtain international acceptance of its illegal occupation and annexation of the Syrian Golan / Golan Heights.
Al-Marsad met with representatives of the United Nations mission. Al-Marsad was assured that its concerns have been taken into serious consideration and that UNDOF is willing to further its cooperation with Al-Marsad.
Britain, Netherlands and Ireland have condemned ongoing violations of international law by Israel in the Occupied Syrian Golan that include illegal settlement expansion, natural resource exploitation, land appropriation and home demolition.
In October, the Israeli Finance Ministry approved plans for the construction of 1600 settlement units in the illegal Israeli settlement of Katzrin. With a population of 8000, Katzrin is the largest Israeli settlement in the Occupied Syrian Golan.