Establishing new water reservoirs in the occupied Golan
Dr. Nazeh Brik
Within the framework of settling the newly occupied territories and after the seizure of the Syrian land, the Israeli occupation authorities have established water complexes / reservoirs in the occupied Golan since 1968. The motivating goal was to provide the crucial infrastructure for establishing the settler-colonial entities, where irrigated agriculture is the main component of the settlements’ economies. The first of these complexes was “Marum Golan”. With a capacity of 4.20 million m³, the complex was established to the east of the demolished village of Bab al-Hawa, as part of it is located right on the village’s lands.
Toward the end of 2008, the occupation authorities had already built fourteen (14) water complexes in the occupied Golan. These reservoirs are filled with surface water, torrential water and streams’ water during the winter by connecting them to natural water channels and channels specially dug for this purpose.
The total capacity of these complexes is 41.0 million m³.