
Legal analysis regarding the targeting of civilians and civilian objects in Syria

October 3, 2016

For more than 5 years, Syria has been suffering a terrible conflict that has caused death and destruction, resulting in gross international law violations, in a seemingly endless and indescribable cruel chaos. Parties to the conflict in Syria, on all sides, have deliberately targeted and bombarded civilian-inhabited areas, launching missiles and rockets on areas containing no discernible military targets. Unarmed civilians are killed in their own homes or on the streets. Medical and humanitarian personnel and teachers are denied protection and are intentionally targeted and killed.

Al-Marsad's latest publication provides a legal analysis of the relevant rules of international human rights law and international humanitarian law - specific to civilians and civilian objects - that must be observed by all armed groups involved in the conflict.

The publication is available here:

 Legal analysis regarding the targeting of civilians and civilian objects in Syria

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