Syria is free from the rule of the Assad family

December 12, 2024

8 December, 2024

Al-Marsad- Arab Human Rights Center in Golan Heights

The Syrian armed opposition, with the backing of international and regional powers, managed to seize control of the capital, Damascus, overthrowing the authority of Bashar Al-Assad and turning the page on the Hafez al-Assad family's rule that had been imposed on the Syrians since his coup on November 16, 1970. This significant milestone was the result of over 55 years of unwavering struggle by the Syrians against the oppressive and corrupt regime of Hafez al-Assad and his successor, Bashar. Their rule was a period of enduring the worst horrors and hardships, but the Syrians' resilience and determination prevailed.

This event, a turning point in the modern history of Syria, unfolded over 13 years after the start of peaceful protests against the authority of Bashar al-Assad in March 2011. These protests, which later turned into an armed conflict, were a result of Assad's stubbornness and his resort to a security solution. This led to the harshest forms of oppression and abuse, causing the death of more than 230,000 civilians and the displacement of over 14 million Syrians from their homes. Among them, 7 million are refugees outside the country, while more than 130,000 people are still missing. The long-lasting impact of this conflict is a stark reminder of the gravity of the situation.

Turning the era of the tyranny of the Hafez Al-Assad family gives the Syrian people a significant opportunity to stop the violence, renounce revenge, and build confidence among all components of the Syrian people. This opportunity empowers the people to determine their country’s future by forming a transitional government, drafting a new constitution, and holding UN-sponsored elections, leading to the establishment of a democratic civil regime based on the principles of justice, equality, and the rule of law, which align with the standards of the International Charter and other international human rights agreements and charters.

The new reality in Syria necessitates the international community's practical commitment to guaranteeing the sovereignty of the Syrian Arab Republic over all its territories, including the occupied Syrian Golan. This commitment also extends to the independence, unity, and territorial integrity of Syria, which requires the end of Israel’s occupation of the Golan. The international community's support for a political process, led by the Syrians and facilitated by the United Nations, is crucial. The United Nations' role in supervising free and fair elections that comply with the highest international standards of transparency and accountability is of utmost importance. The ultimate goal is to achieve a real and sustainable peace, with the full participation of all segments of the Syrian people, without discrimination or exclusion of any party or component for any reason.

Building a modern Syria based on the best standards of democracy and human rights requires the ratification of all basic international human rights agreements and covenants and their additional protocols and the joining of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Your role is crucial in ensuring that everyone involved in committing war crimes and crimes against humanity against Syrians is held accountable, far from revenge.

Syria's sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity require immediate action from the international community to end Israel's occupation of the Golan and ensure its return beyond the borders of June 4, 1967. Tyranny and occupation are two sides of the same coin, and their fall must lead to the demise of the occupation. The time to act is now.

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