The Syrian issue

Since 15 march 2011 Syria has been devastated by a ferocious civil war which escalated into an internationalised conflict, in which government forces, rebel groups, extremist and terrorist groups, foreign fighters, international powers and coalitions are involved. Syria has become the arena in which international interests are in dispute at the expense of civilians. The Syrian war has created more than 250,000 victims, 7.6 million internally displaced persons and 4.2 million refugees.It is Al-Marsad’s view that those responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Syria should be prosecuted under international and national jurisdictions, regardless of their political affiliations.
Alongside prosecutions, non-judicial mechanisms should also be established in order for reconciliation to be possible for the Syrian people, in the long term.Al-Marsad strives to work closely with families living in the Occupied Syrian Golan—families who very often have relatives in Syria just over the Shouting Hill ceasefire line. Have you or someone you know been affected? Help us by sharing your story. Contact us at Al-Marsad.
For a preliminary background on the conflict in Syria,
please see Al-Marsad’s publication –
‘From Peaceful Demonstrations to Armed Conflict:
Considering Humanitarian Intervention in the Case of Syria’,
available below, along with other relevant publications.
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