
Amid new threats against project opponents, Energix continues to develop its illegal windfarm in the Occupied Golan

Despite countless objections by the Syrian population, in January this year the Israeli government approved the construction of 24 wind turbines¹ on Syrian farmland near three of the remaining Syrian villages in the Golan.

Amid new threats against project opponents, Energix continues to develop its illegal windfarm in the Occupied Golan Read More »

One Year from Trump Order and Syrians in the Golan Face Threats to Freedom of Expression Amid Ongoing Settlement Expansion

On 25 March 2019, President Trump signed an executive order recognising Israel’s claim to sovereignty over the occupied Syrian Golan (‘Golan’) – territory in southwest Syria occupied by Israel in 1967 and later annexed in 1981 in a move the international community unanimously rejected.

One Year from Trump Order and Syrians in the Golan Face Threats to Freedom of Expression Amid Ongoing Settlement Expansion Read More »

UN Committee Calls on Israel to Stop Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Syrian Golan

For the first time, the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (“Committee”) has adopted recommendations in its periodic review of Israel that specifically address human rights violations in the occupied Syrian Golan.

UN Committee Calls on Israel to Stop Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Syrian Golan Read More »

Al-Marsad Submits Response to Energix Lawsuit

Al-Marsad – Arab Human Rights Centre in Golan Heights (“Al-Marsad”) has submitted its response to Energix Renewable Energies’ (“Energix”) 18 June 2019 legal complaint in Nazareth Magistrate’s Court. Al-Marsad’s reply categorically denies Energix’s claims that Al-Marsad, working with “anti-Zionist” activists, violated Israel’s Anti-Defamation Act of 1965 and Anti-Boycott Act of 2011.

Al-Marsad Submits Response to Energix Lawsuit Read More »