Al-Marsad has written to the European Union ('EU') High Representative Josep Borrell Fontelles and EU Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi to inform them that Energix Renewable Energies Ltd. (‘Energix’) is exploiting COVID-19 to develop a windfarm in the occupied Syrian Golan
On 15 December 2020, Al-Marsad met with representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to share and discuss the latest developments of the Israeli wind turbine project, implemented by Israeli company "Energex" on private farmlands in the occupied Syrian Golan.
Al-Marsad met with representatives of the United Nations mission. Al-Marsad was assured that its concerns have been taken into serious consideration and that UNDOF is willing to further its cooperation with Al-Marsad.
In October, the Israeli Finance Ministry approved plans for the construction of 1600 settlement units in the illegal Israeli settlement of Katzrin. With a population of 8000, Katzrin is the largest Israeli settlement in the Occupied Syrian Golan.
The "Hermon National Park" plan confiscates approximately 82,000 dunams of land by the Israeli authorities, that has been used by the native Syrian residents of Majdal Shams and Ein Qynia since Ottoman rule for grazing, agriculture and urbanization